/* What is c.S(); */

History of c.S();

Having a programming club never felt like a necessity in VBIT. There were well-established forums already present, which had their “wings” in the computer science domain, and they were doing a great job. But there was always one thing missing, an active coding culture in the college. Up Until 2018, “Coding” in VBIT was considered as an activity that’s just a part of a so-called technical event, less than 0.1% of the student population were familiar with Competitive Programming, Open Source Contribution. Terms like Data Structures and Algorithms were only limited to Academics of the Computer Science Department.

Something amazing happened on 27th October 2018, something not as amazing as newton's discovery of gravity or as the Invention of the Turing machine ( you really thought we wouldn’t have an Alan reference? ) but something that never happened before in VBIT.

Under the guidance of Dr. Pradeep Mallick, the then HOD of CSE department and Mr. M. Venkateshwara Rao, HOD of IT department, and full-fledged support of Mr. V. Sridhar Reddy, the Programming Club of VBIT was established and was named “ coding.Studio( ); “ coding.Studio( ); was founded by 4 students as it’s initial executive members. Kunal Dubey and Sanath Swaroop from IT Dept as the Development Executives, and Kaustubh Eppalapalli and Yashwanth Allakky of CSE Dept, as the Programming Executives.

coding.Studio( ); is one of its kind in every way, be it the name, the marketing style, the structure of the forum, aim, fundamentals etc. After having their first ever recruitments on 17th December, 2018, coding.Studio( ); announced its first tenure members on 3rd January, 2019. With a lot of ideas, enthusiasm, and a small hope of doing something great, coding.Studio( ); began the journey to inculcate Coding Culture in VBIT. The 6th of Feb was a special day as it has launched its flagship event “codeCraft” and for the first time, students of VBIT were introduced to the notion of Competitive Programming. Post codeCraft, many students began to code. Not because they had to prepare for their exams or because they had to submit an assignment, but because it was fun. Solving problems through Computer Science somewhat started to seep into VBIT.

Then came March 4th, 2019. The day that would forever be remembered, the day when coding.Studio( ); had set its impression on the whole VBIT, the day when Team coding.Studio(); had won Smart India Hackathon. People started to recognize the existence of c.S( ); Faculty began to believe in the aim of the club and lot of students were inspired by the team and also began to look up to them. coding.Studio( ); was no longer just a forum in VBIT, it became an assembly of geeks. It became a go-to place for VBIT’s best coders and developers, as it continues to be even now.

coding.Studio( ); then went on to become this exciting place, where people strive to bring a change, make a difference, and build intelligent softwares that could help make VBIT and world, in general, a better place. It was for this very nature of c.S( ); that it’s the only forum in VBIT to have an HQ of its own, that’s open to problem-solvers all the time :)

Projects by c.S();

#1 VBIT Market Place

VBIT Marketplace

It’s a marketplace where people can buy, sell and rent goods of common use like calculators, textbooks and drafters.

It’s a subsidized marketplace to make use of the goods no longer needed by certain students so that no resource goes to waste.



A social media platform which is exclusively used for knowledge sharing and built on a strong fundamental that people learn more through experiences.

Using this platform students of VBIT will have to login and can ask various questions related to the college life, academics, faculty and still stay anonymous. This application would especially be useful to provide genuine opinions about each and every aspect of VBIT and could play a major role in connecting the people of VBIT

#3 StudyMap

StudyMap by coding.Studio();

A simple-to-use, intuitive web-app that runs on all devices seamlessly and helps you to make a time-table which is specific and tailored to your needs.

It takes your year and semester, number of days, number of hours that you can study each day as the inputs and uses an efficient algorithm to generate a time-table that’s designed specifically to your needs.

#4 A.R.M.A

ARMA by coding.Studio();

The Complete Event Management platform. A web app that can completely automate event management.

#5 Abhyas

Abhyas by coding.Studio();

The Official Learning Portal for VBIT.

#6 Pratibha

Pratibha by coding.Studio();

The official platform for PRA submissions, grading and management for the students and faculty of VBIT.

/* Events */

#include <fun.h>




codeCraft 3.0 by coding.Studio(); VBIT

codeCraft 3.0


C.s(); Saturdays


Initialize by coding.Studio(); VBIT



codeCraft 4.0 by coding.Studio(); VBIT

codeCraft 4.0

Team coding.Studio();

Our Team

Governing Body



Development lead


Programming lead




Kunal Dubey


Sanath Swaroop


Kaustubh Eppalapalli

